Release of Liability for Volunteers

"*" indicates required fields

This form is to be read and signed by all persons intending to do volunteer work for the Clarksburg Mission, or by a parent or legal guardian of any volunteer under the age of 18.
I, on behalf of myself, and my minor child(ren) (if applicable), agree to follow the supervision and direction of any personnel, employee, or volunteer, to whom I have been assigned to perform volunteer services, and to participate in any safety training deemed necessary by the Clarksburg Mission in order to perform the voluntary services.
I, on behalf of myself, and my minor child(ren) (if applicable), certify that I will assume personal responsibility for my safety and myself. This includes being free from the influence of drugs and alcohol. I will use reasonable judgment concerning whatever task I undertake. I further assume responsibility to refuse any task that may present unnecessary danger, known or unknown, or any task for which I do not have appropriate skill.
I, on behalf of myself, and my minor child(ren) (if applicable), hereby release and discharge the Clarksburg Mission, its agents, employees, and any persons connected with the Clarksburg Mission, from any and all liability, claims, and causes of action of any type arising out of or in any way connected with participation in volunteer work or activities of the Clarksburg Mission. This release and assumption of risk includes any claims that result from intentional or reckless misconduct or gross negligence. I understand that some activities may involve the risk of injury or death.
Further, I, the undersigned on behalf of myself, and my minor child(ren) (if applicable), assume all the risk and responsibility for any and all damages and hereby release discharge and covenant to indemnify and not sue the Clarksburg Mission, its affiliated organizations and sponsors, employees, volunteers, and associated personnel, officers, directors, board members, etc. for any claim by or on behalf of the volunteer.
I am making this waiver freely, voluntarily, and with a clear mind.
Participant Full Name*
Clear Signature
Parent/Guardian Full Name (if under 18)
Clear Signature